By Joana Bernardo on Thu 05 July 2018
Who doesn’t love chocolate? Celebrating World Chocolate day Lab Unlimited shares application notes from Brookfield Ametek regarding chocolate, chocolate processing and chocolate syrup.
Chocolate is used all over the world in sweet desserts and even savoury dishes. To celebrate World Chocolate Day, we are sharing three application notes from the experts at Brookfied Ametek, regarding the measurement of viscosity in chocolate, especially in processing chocolate and chocolate syrup.
According to the application note on processing chocolate, chocolate have a wide range of flow properties which relate to enrobing and making blocks. In the viscosity measurement of chocolate products, it is common to describe the flow properties using the Casson flow curve which incorporates Yeld Value and Plastic Viscosity.
To determine these parameters as well as calculate the viscosity profile for the chocolate, samples of chocolate were analysed using HADV-II+ Pro Viscometer, alongside the HADV-III Ultra Rheometer and RVDV-III Ultra, throughout the tests for the different application notes. Even though these are now obsolete instruments, the DV2T and DV3T are perfect and suitable to be used for the same applications.
Be sure to read the applications notes and discover more about the viscosity profile of everyone’s favourite food: chocolate.
Want to know more about the Viscometers and Rheometers we have available? Check out our Viscosity Section or get in touch with our Sales Team.