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Home > Xylem - WTW pH 3310 2AA310

Xylem - WTW pH 3310 2AA310

Xylem - WTW pH 3310 2AA310

Price: €784.00
Qty In Stock: 2

Professional, field proven pH/mV-meter with backlit LCD-graphic display, for mobile measurement with data logger and waterproof USB-interface

Instrument only with:
- Short instruction manual
- Batteries
- Driver software for USB
- Cable

pH meter pH 3210 / pH 3310 ProfiLine
pH meter pH 3210
Convenient and versatile pH/mV meter with backlit graphics display and menu controlled operation. Waterproof and robust. With 5 point calibration for WTW technical or DIN/NIST buffers. Additional 20 pre-programmed buffer sets. The new CMC function (Continuous Measurement Control) helps maintain the optimum measuring range and warns when limits are exceeded.

pH meter pH 3310
The pH/mV handheld meter with integral, time controlled, data logger and memory for 5000 GLP compliant records is ideal for extended data collection. With 1 to 5-point pH calibration. Menu controlled, with backlit graphics display for comfortable and safe operation. Unique CMC-function for controlling the optimum measuring range. 100% waterproof, USB interface for fast data transfer. Includes driver software and cable.
Measuring ranges
pH: -2.0 ... +20.0
-2.00 ... +20.00
-2.000 ... +19.999
Accuracy: ±0.005 pH from +15°C to +35°C
mV / Accuracy: ±1200.0 / ±0.3 mV
± 2500 / ±0.1 mV
Temperature: -5.0 to +105°C
Accuracy: ±0.1°C
Interface (pH3310 only): Mini USB-B
pH3210: 200 records (measured value, temperature, date, time, ID)
pH3310: 5000 records (measured value, temperature, date, time, ID)

Product Specification:
Product Type: pH 3310
Description: meter only

Catalogue Number9.774 337
ManufacturerXylem - WTW
Manufacturer P/n2AA310
TypepH 3310
DescriptionMeter only

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